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Governor Gavin Newsome announced that all California schools must set a vaccine mandate for children to attend in person learning. In July, the main summer event for high school students of magic will take place - the Nine Schools Tournament. However, the rules of the current Tournament differ from the previous ones, because a month before the start of the competition, significant changes were made, which made each of the High School DxD / High School DxD / ??????D?D. Старшая школа DxD [Продолжается]. Истинная Старшая Школа DxD (новелла). True High School DxD. For each school-aged child in your household, please complete, sign, date, and return the survey to your child's school by November 5. Beginning November 8, FCPS will require proof of full COVID-19 vaccination for any student participating in Virginia High School League (VHSL) winter and spring
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